Knuth Wedding Photos from the late 1800's through the 1930's
Formal Wedding Photos (14 images) - Many women were wed in black - see below
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Wedding Photos and Portraits of the Knuth Family in the Augusta Wisconsin Area from the 19th Century. Marry someone you love.
About The Black Wedding Dress
Black was a popular color in the United States for Wedding dresses during the last half the the 19th century into the early 20th Century. Many immigrants to Wisconsin had their family origin and carried cultural traditions from northern Germany and Scandinavia. THE wedding dress color standard was Black in northern Europe during those times. Other colors were used too and were considered culturally the norm
Brides would wear the dress color of their choice but a white wedding veil was almost always used. The veils were frequently preserved and prominently displayed in a long frame in the married couples homes
The Knuth family followed these traditions and the changing times.
It did not become the social vogue to wear and wed in white until about the 1930s. The new custom became that white should not be worn by women who wed were not virgins. The custom probably evolved from customs about the white veil