The William Knuth Family of Augusta Wisconsin

Privacy page on this Knuth Family Site

Sites linked to and from the Knuth Family site have there own Privacy Policy.  By submitting a registration or any other information to this site; text, photos, or any other media, you agree to grant Prorganize the right to use whatever you submit for all means and for all media in perpetuity.  Links to this site grant the same rights.

If you submit information, please request credit for it if you wish  - your credited info might include your name, your email address, your linked site, your home address or other information.  [Be aware: Listing your address, email address, name, and so on will let search engines like Google, Yahoo and all others, to permanently find and retain the information]

This policy is subject to change without notice.  All visits and submissions to this site are subject to current policy and future changes in this policy - you will not be notified of these changes - please visit this site for the current privacy policy.  You are invited to use information on this site but only with our expressed permission.  See below

Expressed permission is required and can be defined as: written permission on a paper document or other physical document; in postal mail, in electronic email that your retain, in newspaper / magazines articles and so on; or in any other electron or physical material

Expressed permission is granted if you reference this site by a link to this site or reference this site on printed or any other media. The referral must be " from "

In simple words, if you access or use information from this site, you must give credit to it.

 This site is copy righted by Prorganize.  Prorganize is our trademark.  Thank you for visiting


privacy, page, knuth, family, site, registration, photo , information, credit, policy, subject, change, submissions, permission, required, copyright, prorganize, copy right,